About Al Sandberg
I am a pharmacist by profession and a photographer, primarily wildlife, by passion. Born and educated in New York I am now retired from pharmacy and am living in Tennessee. My passion for photography leads me to many places on the globe seeking to record the indigenous wildlife in their native habitat.
One needs to escape the everyday world of stress, man’s inhumanity to man and the 24/7 availability that all too many of us live in. My method of escape is the camera.
I attempt to create images where there is nothing to interpret and no words necessary to see the character, personality, temperament, thoughts or intent of my subjects and the beauty of the world around them. All too many of us think of wildlife as a thing, an object or a trophy to be captured with a gun or photograph. Most of us do not realize that wildlife creatures have personalities. Some exhibit a body language that indicates their thoughts just like we as humans do.
Most of my images are not memories or postcards. They are a snapshot of time in which a creature of the wild is demonstrating their personality, temperament or intent. Words are not necessary because, if I have been successful, the photograph will tell it all.